Today, I took the two older girls to The Juvenile Diabetes Walk. We walked for Sam Millard & Skye Matlock on the "Sam & Skye Walkers" Team. It was great! I am so glad that we had the opportunity to participate.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Today, I took the two older girls to The Juvenile Diabetes Walk. We walked for Sam Millard & Skye Matlock on the "Sam & Skye Walkers" Team. It was great! I am so glad that we had the opportunity to participate.
Monday, September 17, 2007
The results are in. 58% of you feel that you would not be an effective teacher to your children. 38% of you are scared that your children will be nerds if you home school them. There you have it. None of that is scientific or researched based...just feeling and fears.
I have not blogged in a while strictly because our "readjustment" period has been rough. There have been several days when I have toyed with the idea of putting the 2 oldest in school. My third daughter is in pre-school so that would leave me and Zoe home to face the day alone. That is a very calming idea to me. Even as I sit here amidst an unmade bed, 2 piles of laundry and what feels like numerous unfinished task, I think that I could probably make a lot of "headway" if it were just me and 1 child at the house.
However, I still feel that home schooling is the best option for our family today. I have been talking alot with the girls about wisdom. I love Proverbs 1:8-10. We have been reading this in the mornings and discussing it.
"Hear, my son, your father's instruction and do not forsake your mother's teaching; Indeed, they are a graceful wreath to your head and ornaments about your neck. My son, if sinners entice you, Do not consent."
The rest of the chapter is contrasting the difference between Wisdom and Simple mindedness. This is truly on of the reasons that I love not having to rush in the mornings, because we get to discuss the Scriptures, which we consider to be Holy.
I have found myself wishing that we had a Classical School here because I DO feel that their education would be a little more "rounded".
A friend and I had a discussion today about a mom who had home schooled her kids until high school and then put them into a corporate system. (I do not think that it matters if it is public or private.) When my friend asked 'how the kids did when they were put in' the mom responded by saying, "Great! They were cheerleaders and one was voted Most Popular..." etc.
My friend said that that bothered her because the mom spoke only of "social" accomplishments that the kids had made.
Now, before everyone slams her for being frustrated with the mom, let me explain. The reasons for home schooling are as diverse as the people who home school. One may home school for educational reasons, one for socio-economic reasons and another for heart reasons.
I choose the latter. The main reason, not the only reason,and I know that I am coming out of the closet so I can "shepherd their hearts". Now, I know that many of my friends that read this blog are not Christians and might think that I am being a "retreatist"...I feel, however, that I am attempting to be consistent. Consistent with what I would define my primary role as a parent-Christian to be. This is one reason why I am not a fan of prayer in school. I do not want anyone, with a differing view of Christ, indoctrinating my child. It is my right, my role and my responsibility to train my kids in worship. I do not want my kids to grow up and be "moral behaviorist". I want them to live as true worshipers. I feel compelled to say that I, personally, do not believe that the only way to "get to this end" is through Home Schooling. A person's heart is with them wherever they go and I have met some home schooled kids whose hearts were far away from the Lord. Likewise, I have met some kids in the public & private "arenas" whose hearts are truly obedient. So, with that said, I think that right now, I am still on the same year, we'll see.
I am wondering, and I welcome the input, even from people who do not share my views, if...what is best for one child is necessarily what is best for the whole family?
If I think that Home Schooling is what is best for my children then is that what is best for our family as a whole? What if there is a mom who loves homeschooling, does a good job at it, yet is neglectful with the house. Say- she can't stay on top of the laundry, dishes and kid's bedrooms but the kids have had a great day doing school. Maybe she has a difficult time getting to the grocery store because there is a massive chunk of time being eaten away with home schooling.
I know that different people have opposing ideas about roles and responsibilities in the home...I would love to hear some voices on this.
I have not blogged in a while strictly because our "readjustment" period has been rough. There have been several days when I have toyed with the idea of putting the 2 oldest in school. My third daughter is in pre-school so that would leave me and Zoe home to face the day alone. That is a very calming idea to me. Even as I sit here amidst an unmade bed, 2 piles of laundry and what feels like numerous unfinished task, I think that I could probably make a lot of "headway" if it were just me and 1 child at the house.
However, I still feel that home schooling is the best option for our family today. I have been talking alot with the girls about wisdom. I love Proverbs 1:8-10. We have been reading this in the mornings and discussing it.
"Hear, my son, your father's instruction and do not forsake your mother's teaching; Indeed, they are a graceful wreath to your head and ornaments about your neck. My son, if sinners entice you, Do not consent."
The rest of the chapter is contrasting the difference between Wisdom and Simple mindedness. This is truly on of the reasons that I love not having to rush in the mornings, because we get to discuss the Scriptures, which we consider to be Holy.
I have found myself wishing that we had a Classical School here because I DO feel that their education would be a little more "rounded".
A friend and I had a discussion today about a mom who had home schooled her kids until high school and then put them into a corporate system. (I do not think that it matters if it is public or private.) When my friend asked 'how the kids did when they were put in' the mom responded by saying, "Great! They were cheerleaders and one was voted Most Popular..." etc.
My friend said that that bothered her because the mom spoke only of "social" accomplishments that the kids had made.
Now, before everyone slams her for being frustrated with the mom, let me explain. The reasons for home schooling are as diverse as the people who home school. One may home school for educational reasons, one for socio-economic reasons and another for heart reasons.
I choose the latter. The main reason, not the only reason,and I know that I am coming out of the closet so I can "shepherd their hearts". Now, I know that many of my friends that read this blog are not Christians and might think that I am being a "retreatist"...I feel, however, that I am attempting to be consistent. Consistent with what I would define my primary role as a parent-Christian to be. This is one reason why I am not a fan of prayer in school. I do not want anyone, with a differing view of Christ, indoctrinating my child. It is my right, my role and my responsibility to train my kids in worship. I do not want my kids to grow up and be "moral behaviorist". I want them to live as true worshipers. I feel compelled to say that I, personally, do not believe that the only way to "get to this end" is through Home Schooling. A person's heart is with them wherever they go and I have met some home schooled kids whose hearts were far away from the Lord. Likewise, I have met some kids in the public & private "arenas" whose hearts are truly obedient. So, with that said, I think that right now, I am still on the same year, we'll see.
I am wondering, and I welcome the input, even from people who do not share my views, if...what is best for one child is necessarily what is best for the whole family?
If I think that Home Schooling is what is best for my children then is that what is best for our family as a whole? What if there is a mom who loves homeschooling, does a good job at it, yet is neglectful with the house. Say- she can't stay on top of the laundry, dishes and kid's bedrooms but the kids have had a great day doing school. Maybe she has a difficult time getting to the grocery store because there is a massive chunk of time being eaten away with home schooling.
I know that different people have opposing ideas about roles and responsibilities in the home...I would love to hear some voices on this.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Life as we know it...
So...these pics are out of order...but here's the story -
Zoe started Mother's Day Out...She was not a happy camper! However, the teacher called me at 10 am and said that they had been talking about shapes and Zoe was walking around saying, "white octagon". She had a great time and made several new friends.
Lucy Grace has started wearing Big Girl panties and is very proud! She hasn't made it all day yet...but is doing really well thus far.
The day ended with Zoe in her bed and Lucy Grace in the bath. I went into the kitchen and noticed that it was very quiet. Well, Zoe decided that she wanted a bath, too.
Homeshooling is starting to get back on track. As you know, it takes a good month to establish a routine...and we are about to begin week 3. Greg started Latin & Philosophy with Abby last night and she LOVED it! She thinks that Philosophy is fun and she kept saying, "Ask me another question." This Philosophy course is designed for K-3rd graders. I'll find the link for it and post it soon.
Ellie is writing her numbers 1-10. Her handwriting is really good for her age. She is practicing her letters diligently and seems to really like school. She loves Math and numbers. She and Abby are going to start memorizing a poem together this week...that should be interesting.
Abby turns 8 tomorrow. WOW! One more set of "that" and she'll be driving. I cannot believe how fast it has come. I was telling my mom tonight that I distinctly remember my 8th birthday. She & my Uncle David took me & my brother, Kyle, to Six Flags. The coolest part though, was that Chuck Berry was performing. That is a great memory. They didn't tell me that we were going to Six Flags until we were turning into the parking lot. I remember my mom turning around and smiling at me from the passenger's seat.
One day my daughter will look back on her 8th birthday...I hope she feels what I feel. I hope that she knows that she is not a burden but a joy. I hope that she remembers the strawberry cake with an "8" made from mini-marshmallows...and smiles. I hope that she thinks about High School Musical and shakes her head. I hope that she remembers skating, her friends, American Girls &...Mom.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Things can only get better...
We've had a rough start getting back in the groove of school. We have been faithful to get our work done an we are still having to review in Math...which I guess is normal for the first couple of weeks. We are working very hard to remember Math rules and "quick math" facts. Abby is a smart girl so I know that it will all come together. I have been pretty frustrated with myself lately. I feel like I am still learning how to communicate with my child. I am constantly "hitting a wall" because I am not explaining rules and ideas as clearly as I could....and just to be honest, I feel like my tone makes her feel "stupid". I do not want to sound that way, or communicate that. I have been trying to verbalize to her that I am frustrated with myself for getting frustrated with her. She takes after me so much. She handles language based subjects fantastic...but start using numbers and she is ready to shut down. This morning, around 9, we were both at the table crying...because we were frustrated with each other. We talked and then I pulled her over close to me...we prayed together and then I went and made us a cup of coffee. We finished the day successfully...all the work done- and we're o.k.!
Ellie has been doing great. She ask me everyday, "Mommy, will you teach me to read today?" She doesn't understand that that is what I am doing in her Phonics Lessons. I thought that I would share what I do with Ellie on a typical day (for the last 2 weeks) Around noon, shortly after lunch, I have finished working with Abby, so she reads, plays on the laptop, or colors....and I work with Ellie by herself. We are using The Phonics Museum from Veritas Press and it is great. It is super user friendly and it goes step by step. The cool thing about about this is that it is "set" in an Art Museum. So as the kids look at different pieces of Classic Art they learn the sound that the phoneme makes. For example: For the Letter A they are shown a painting called Apple Harvest. (A-A-Apple,M-M-Mummy) There is an audio CD that we sing with everyday and they color a picture of every master piece that they study. It is a K-1st grade curriculum. So, we work on our Phonics, do what ever letter mazes (tracing letters), writing, coloring, etc.- all that we are instructed to do. We usually spend about 40 minutes on this. Then we work on writing numbers, counting to 50, and we do about 2 worksheets out of a K math book. Today we read, "Oh Say, Can You Say" & "The Cat in the Hat". It took maybe an hour & a half. She played the rest of the day.
All in all, everything is as expected! Lucy Grace is still going to preschool everyday, which she LOVES...and Zoe will start Mother's Day Out tomorrow. I am a little nervous about leaving her...but the church is just down the street.
We went to the Planetarium on Friday, and we will be going to a Greek Festival in a couple of weeks. The thing that I am most excited about is that I got tickets for me, Abby, Ellie & my mom to go see The Dallas Black Dance Company perform: Dance Africa. A company from Uganda will be there along with drummers and 2 local companies. I think that A & E will love it! I really want them to be exposed to more this year. The Planetarium, The Greek Festival, Dance Africa...
oh, and....
BOO! at the Zoo....The Dallas Zoo...that's just a freebie!!
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