Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Drumroll, please.

So, the first day was....amazingly anti-climatic. Let me preface before you read...I will not be telling you EVERYTHING that my child does in an average school day everyday...ONLY this time...since it is the beginning of something new for us. (I know that that would be extremely boring to you.) We started the day out normally: breakfast, coffee, Barney, getting dressed. I helped the big girls get dressed for the day and we met in the living room to start at 9:00. I talked with them for a bit about why we wanted to home school. I talked to them about how quickly the are growing up and I said, "Girls, the Bible says that 'Children are a blessing from the Lord' and Mommy and Daddy want you to know that you are a blessing to us. We do not ever want you to think that you are in the way or that we are too busy for you." It was good for me to tell them that because I needed to refocus on what the real "point" is. We read Genesis 1 and prayed and then we went to the kitchen table and started History. I am using Story of the World and it is really good. I was kind of experimenting with Ellie to see if she was ready or not to start something this "formal" and she was not. I let her kind of come and go as she wanted...and that helped me with the little girls too! Abby, however, seemed to really enjoy it. No real big "emotion" about it one way or the other...just seemed to be content. She worked on her history "activity" and then we made lunch. It was about 11:oo by this point. After lunch, we worked on Math. For this I am using A Beka Book 1. This is what she was using in her class at school and seemed to be doing well with it. Around 12:30 I decided that the "little children of the world" were needing to get outside. So we just wrapped up and went for a short walk around the block. When we got back, we ran some errands. Then in the afternoon sometime, Abby worked on her memorization. For Language we are using First Language Lessons for The Well Trained Mind. She Listened to a poem called The Caterpillar several times and then illustrated it. After that she copied the poem (to practice handwriting & copying...also to assist in memorizing). And that's it! Tomorrow looks to be about the same schedule. On Friday I will do Vocabulary, Science and go to the Library also. On Tuesdays and Fridays my second child will be in Mother's Day Out from 9-2:30 so that will be a HUGE amount of time to work on The Phonics Museum & reading. It was cool. I mean, my sister-in-law called this afternoon and I asked her about 500 questions like, "Do I need to go over the calendar with them everyday? Do I need to blah, blah, blah?" She has taught in public, home and now in a classical school. So it's been good to have some people to just throw some of these anxiety questions at. I mean, knowing the calendar is pretty important. Once, when I was in college, a senior no less, I missed a final exam in one of my Major classes because my watch battery stopped and that is how I kept up with the date. I digress...
So for the most part everything was pretty normal. My house is a wreck...but that's because I am a little busy "being focused".
One sweet thing that happened today was that a little girl from Abby's class called her and said, "Aren't you ever coming back?" and 7 year old Abby said, "Probably later when you're in 3rd or 4th grade...but my mom and dad really want to spend time with me before I leave for college."


Craig said...

"...but my mom and dad really want to spend time with me before I leave for college."

Craig said...

i meant to add... this is the funniest thing I've read in a long time.

sounds like things are going great.

Matt & Kristin said...

I love that! Can't wait to read more posts! I already know that I will be encouraged by your posts!

some chick said...

"Probably later when you're in 3rd or 4th grade...but my mom and dad really want to spend time with me before I leave for college."

Best quote EVER.

Anonymous said...

Your 7yo is HI-larious! Are you sure she's really only 7?

Love it, love it, love it!

Mandi said...

I'm so glad you're doing this blog...I'm excited to hear about how everything goes. And little Miss 7-going-on-25 could probably give just about any college professor I know a run for their money. ;-)