Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Let the sun shine.

So, it has been several days since i have posted. President's Day was yesterday, to which my children asked, "Is Grams going to buy us a present?" They LOVE special days because, well, they get stuff! I guess I don't need to tell you how I answered that question.

We did not have school on President's Day. We had friends in from out-of-town today so...back to the grind tomorrow. I think that these little breaks help us. I think that they are so refreshing. we played outside ALL day today. I mean, it was gorgeous. I am so glad that we got to enjoy. Abby climbed trees in the front yard for two hours. Ellie got in one and stayed there. She has learned quickly!

We had coffee saturday afternoon with a long time educator, former principal and administrator in the school system. This is all one person, not three different individuals. He has taught for 30 years. He has alot of wisdom and insight into children, public education and culture as a whole. The conversation was very beneficial and really helped us in some of our "planning" for the future. i truly believe that our society has changed so much since the inception of standardized, public education that there is "room" for us to be creative in our approach to educating.

One quick observation that i do have. I have noticed that since i began homeschooling- that there has not been one person that i have come in contact with that does not have an opinion about it. i could never just be having a casual conversation with someone and they say, "So, how do the kids like school?"

and I say, "Oh, they love it....we homeschool."

and they say, "Really. I've never thought one way or the other about it..."

Never happen. Not in a million years.

i have always had people who do not homeschool tell me that the thing that they do not like about homeschoolers is that, "They (homeschoolers) think that that is the only way to educate your children!"

The funny thing that i am seeing though is.... that i have heard many homeschooler's say, when it comes to the idea of "how best to educate your child?"..... "Listen, you have to do whatever is best for your family."

On the contrary....I have heard soooo many times in the last several months, by those who are not supporters...that their "idea" of education is truly the best way...and even the implied ONLY way. Now, it obviously was not stated that way...but it might as well have been. It is kindof a flashback to the whole "tolerance" debate. the ones who are screaming tolerance (on their behalf) are the most intolerant. this has been an interesting "twist" to me...i was not expecting it.

Hoefully these types of statements will make me "weigh" mine a little more.


some chick said...

VERY interesting observation about what non-homeschoolers say about homeschoolers, vs. the reality about what homeschoolers say about themselves.

it's not a surprising response. when you choose something that is not "the norm," those of "the norm" seem to take it as a personal affront. this can be summed up in the following phrase: "It's not about you."

MY choices to school my children how I think best is not about YOU.

MY choices on where and how I live and how I choose to spend my money (or not) are not about YOU.

etc., etc..

My friend Mark has been telling me this and it's finally starting to sink in in my own life. I hear ya sister. Hope I have been, and continue to be, supportive of your choices for your family. Cause your choices? They're not a reflection of/on me. (Someone tell my family that, please!)

Tamara said...

From a public school parent to you...I applaud you. I think it is a wonderful gift you are giving your children. The thought has crossed my mind and had we not been blessed with the elementary school we are blessed with, I would not just consider it, I would do it. I think it is an amazingly awesome thing...so there you go... ;)

Lee Ann said...

This weekend, let's talk about what you learned from that conversation. I am getting so excited! Let's hope that I can actually leave my little one. I'm felling a little anxious.

the 10th kid said...

I am decidedly neutral that you are homeschooling. I have no feelings whatsoever about it. I find it rather mundane actually. (Well, except for the part that you are completely insane, but that really hasn't changed in the years I've known you, but what's a girl to do about that?)

Anonymous said...

For me the BORG is the only way....or maybe the Jedi Council. I haven't quite decided.

Anonymous said...

So many people want to believe/hope that there is just one "right" way to educate their children...to make them sucessful adults one day. What these people seem to forget is that each child is different and that you can't pound them into the same mold and expect them to fit.

When people ask me "what's the best school to send my child to?" I always say..."That depends on what your child is like. You know them better than I do." Homeschooling works well for some and not so much for others. Its not any better or any worse than other educational methods.