Wednesday, March 28, 2007

"I've got an idea...when I want your opinion, I'll ask."

I know that I have shared with some of you that the neighborhood that we have just moved into is really "post card-ish". I mean...the truth is that the second day that we were here three neighbors came by to meet us, the Chairman of the Historic Whatever came by to bring us a "throw" blanket with some of the houses from the street detailed on it, and no joke, when you walk down the street people wave and yell, "Welcome to P**k Street." And they mean it. I mean, they LOVE their street, neighbors, and their neighborhood.

Since I am 3 weeks into my recovery I have been trying to take the girls for a walk at least once a day. There are sidewalks on this street so we are making good use of them. Today, my mom went with us for a walk and while we were out, about 10 minutes into our walk, when a lady that I had never met from the street waved and yelled, "Welcome to P**k Street." "Thank you." I said politely. Because it is endearing for everyone to be so welcoming.

"So, which house are you in?" She asked.
I pointed across the street a ways and said, "We just moved into that one on the corner."
She says, "Oh! I would love to see the inside of it." What's the harm? She's 70 ish.
"Sure. Anytime. Feel free to stop by." I say.
"Ok" she says, "I'll go tell my husband that I am going to run down with you real quick."
Now, I was a little uptight, strictly because I had not done the dishes, all of our homeschooling materials were on the table and our bedroom, for lack of a better term, looked like a tornado had hit it. For some reason it is the gathering place for everyone's crap. But, I was thinking, "No biggie. She can walk through and in the grand scheme of things, it's neither here nor there."

Well, I'll skip the part where she asked me how much we paid for our house...and get to the good part. When she was leaving, we were standing out on the back porch, and she said, "Did I tell you that I was in public education for 30 years?" "Yes, you did." I said. Now, maybe I am naive but I really thought that she was going to say...."So, if you need any help or any advice in homeschooling...."
That' not what happened.
"Well," she said, "You need to get your kids back in school as soon as possible."
Stunned, because I met her 15 minutes before this advice...I said, "My kids were in school and we pulled them out this semester."
"Well, haven't you seen all of those women on the news who killed their's b/c they homeschooled." she advised.
"Well, we are doing fine." I informed.
Then she went into this long story about her daughter who homeschooled for a couple of years and she called them because she needed a "break" and finally "they all ganged up on her and she put them in school."
I responded by saying, "Well, I definitely think that our family is doing fine right now."
And she said, "You need to think about your extended family also."
At this point I am taking everything in because I really cannot believe that her lips are still moving. Then, she approaches her final point very skillfully....
"Even for people with teaching certificates homeschooling is difficult."
I knew that was really a I say, "My husband and I both have our Master's Degrees- it hasn't been that difficult teaching my first grader." Which is a lie. Only Greg has completed his Master's. I , of course, began mine on three different occasions and completed only 15 hours toward a Master's in Public Health. I guess I should've clarified...oh well.
There were many more words falling from her lips....about "the mom's well-being and mental health" but the conversation ended with her saying, "Oh listen to me I'm already mothering you. See you later."

I mean, when do you hit the age where your opinions are so strong that you can not hold them in your mouth. I was troubled by the fact that there are hundreds of thousands of homeschoolers and she saw 2 or 3 on TV who were crazy and has formed this entire belief about homeschooling. That would be like me saying, "Well, I am opposed to public education because there are so many school shootings." I was also troubled by the fact that she didn't believe the "evil" was in the hearts of these women but rather some "outside force (homeschooling) made them do it."

Anyway. The only really funny thing that Abby said this week was : "When I grow up, I think I'll be a Hieroglyphic." She meant Chiropractor. I said, " I think you'd be a great one!"


cathead9 said...

Ahhhh, the G*&#%$e biddies....they know everything and have no qualms about telling you what to do. Avoid this woman completely. She probably has discussed your parenting skills with everyone on the street.
You're doing everything right, so just ignore idiots like that.

Love Abby's quote about wanting to be a hieroglyphic. Chiropractors make people able to NOT look like hieroglyphics. LOL

cathead9 said...

By G*&#%$e, I meant the name of your town, not a cuss word, BTW.....

cathead9 said...
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Tamara said...

I wish I could come up with some sort of GREAT comeback for comments like that! I just don't know what to say. A part of me wants to be extremely rude and just ask her if she enjoyed being a mother...and another part of me wants to just pray for her. *SIGH* My kids are in Public School and I think either way is fine. Which ever works for your family! We are not evil either way...ugh!!!!!

Mandi said...

Tracey! I promise I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, although sometimes it feels like it. I've attempted to start a blog, since you and Amy left me stranded on xanga by myself :-P. I miss you guys...I want to call soon.

the 10th kid said...

I think it is great that Abs wants to be a if we could just figure out where to send the resume for that gig...

As for the neighbor, she sounds completely deluded as well as incredibly nosy. I like to call them "small town old ladies." Or at least that's what I called my grandma. Of course, she was the one who wanted to know if I'd heard about the kegger at the firehouse or not...they're probably totally different!

Craig said...

This was hilarious! I can't wait to hear more stories about this lady. You need to invite her over for dinner, sheerly for the material she will produce for your blog.

some chick said...

i told my bro to talk to you guys about buying a house in your town - and I told him what you said about the schools. he said he's really hoping he gets the position based on all of the things that have happened there lately. i think he said they want someone with many more years of experience than what he has, but he thinks he can help blow some freshness in. i hope he gets the job. you should call him sometime soon.

Anonymous said...

Well, I hope homeschooling your kids doesn't mean your a complete psycho because my older sis' plans on starting with her oldest this coming fall. She is going to go with the classical approach too. From what I saw back in Dec. you're doing an awesome job with your kids. This lady is obviously delusional and gets most of her opinions from Dateline NBC, which is always dangerous. Glad to hear you're feeling better.

Jen said...

wow! thats incredible. I'd personally be inclined to invite myself over to her house and see what comments I could make, though it might not be as effective since you are not as old and "wise" as she is. Its crazy people like her that make you go postal on your wait, that would only happen if you homeschooled your kids.
and...its probably delusional folks like her that are keeping Sanjaya on "Idol".

dreamingBIGdreams said...

this had me cracking up!

jenA said...

I realize this post was awhile ago, but i was just browsing through craig's links...

bygones. the age at which unsolicited advice comes pouring out at will is 60. It used to be 55, but most companies have raised the retirement age so people still have too much to worry about in their own lives for at least five more years.