2a. What is the goal of parenting?
2b. (For Christian Parents) - What specifics are involved in "shepherding your child's heart"?
Nearly Normal in one mom's honest account of history. Blog-story-telling concerning 5 kids and all that they bring to the family table
Hey girl! I hate to just chime in here at random moments!!! But I feel quite passionate about this topic : )
I think the goal of our parenting is to glorify God (obvious answer...could be seen as shallow, but try living it out....HA! Not too shallow anymore!!!). But in the end our goal is to see our kids know and treasure Jesus, to raise up worshipers!
And the specifics of shepherding my childs hearts.....that list seems pretty endless....I feel like it contiuous throughout our day!!! Taking opportunities that allow themselves throughout the day - and pointing our kids to Jesus then. Building that, underestimated, relationship with them that will stand strong when storms blow in. Worshiping throughout the day with our kids. Praying throughout the day with our kids. Teaching God's Word to our kids. And disciplining our kids, consistently, and giving them the Gospel that offers hope, joy, and forgiveness!
Our kiddos have categories for sin....so when we ask them what they were doing or what they were being....they'll try to discern what was going on in their hearts...and usually....they are right on (selfish, disrespectful, disobedient, defiant, not taking care of what God has given us, ect). And these categories are what allows them to see the sickness of their hearts and their need for a Savior! So, even now we can see them recognize their sin and sometimes we can see them think, stop, and turn away from the sin they were being tempted toward.....and sometimes we see them fall right into the temptation (just like us). BUT when they DO fall right into temptation and sin.....it's ANOTHER opportunity to sit down with them and give them the gift of grace (through discipline) and hope in the Gospel!!
Man....what a HARD question to answer (to put your daily "practices" into words, but it gets me all stirred up inside....God's grace and His amazing love!!!
I look forward to reading other responses! Where's yours???!!! : )
I don't know Shawnda, but I agree with her! The goal of my life is to glorify God and be completely satisfied in Him, and so it is the goal of my parenting.
Where I make mistakes (okay, one of the many mistakes I make) is that I think I can make little worshipers myself. If I do everything right, they will turn out good! However, when I read the scripture, I find that only God can actually do that sort of thing.
I once heard a sermon about spiritual disciplines. The pastor explained how having disciplined ourselves in certain areas of our lives prepares us for when God is ready to move. He is the one who actually does the work, but we are ready for the battle when he calls us. Like practicing free throws in basketball. You practice for hours and hours, so when you are called into the game, you are prepared! I'm gettting my kids ready for God to call them. We memorize scripture, talk about God's character, we are even trying to begin to teach them how to study the Bible.
I have begun to see an anger issue in one of my kids that looks a lot like my issues. So, we are making an effort to pray about it together, and pray scriptures about it, like right when one of us loses our temper. It is frightening to see my sins in my child. Why have I thought it okay for me to live with anger, but it is not okay for my child? God has a way of getting to our hearts.
I may have rambled a while there...sorry. I could type for days...
Wow, Shawnda hit it right on for me, too. I agree with everything she said.
My goal is to show my kids through my actions and my words exactly who Jesus is and what our response to Him should be. Is that easy to do on a day to day basis? Nope. That's the hardest part of parenting--you don't have an on-stage time, and an off-stage time. You're always on, the spotlight blinding you, in moments of joy, sadness, anger, frustration, silliness, etc. Those children are constantly watching you for your response to the world around you so they can know their cue.
Parenting has brought me closer to God, because it has opened my eyes to how He must feel about me. Before you have kids you always hear other parents talking about how their lives have changed, etc. I remember hearing this over and over during my first pregnancy, and thinking that there was no way it could change a person that much. Come on, it's just another person in the house. But it does change you, because you are filled with a love you've never known existed until that moment. And that is the closest we'll ever come to understanding how much God must love us.
So, my job as a parent is to exemplify that love to my kids while I am modeling what I expect them to become in the future.
Wow, I just love to ramble!!!!
Mrs. S
I'd answer this, but I would obviously have no clue. I am enjoying the discussion, though.
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