Nearly Normal in one mom's honest account of history. Blog-story-telling concerning 5 kids and all that they bring to the family table
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
The face of the guilty party has been "smeared" for her own protection. Notice the empty armoir in the back wasn't empty this wasn't empty at noon... EVERYTHING was emptied from it at 3:30. (That's exactly 1/2 an hour after pre-school ends.)
Oh LG...I love how you always capture her incriminating moments on camera. I still have the picture of the time she climbed onto the changing table during naptime and covered everything but her pacifier in lotion. I miss you guys!!!
Oh LG...I love how you always capture her incriminating moments on camera. I still have the picture of the time she climbed onto the changing table during naptime and covered everything but her pacifier in lotion. I miss you guys!!!
Sometimes, you just need to be covered in pants. I know this.....LG does too, apparently, just like her cousin.
ah, if only she knew how to fold...
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