Monday, April 7, 2008

The best day of my life...

I have been trying lately to keep my mind focused. I noticed a couple of weeks ago, that I was having a very difficult time concentrating, due to what I have been feeling. It is, honestly, the first time in my life that I have empathized with someone who struggles with A.D.D...however, I know that my distractions will cease once my medicine is straitened out.

I got up this morning feeling good. The Prednisone has been a great relief and help for the here and now. We got Abby and Lucy Grace dressed, fed, prayed for, loved on & out the door and then I started on Zoe. She left at 9 to go to M.D.O. .

Ellie and I stood looking at each other over a cup of half-empty, cold coffee.

All of the sudden, I wasn't feeling so good. I was exhausted. My feet felt like they would explode. My heart was racing from the medicine and my fingers were screaming.

"Mommy, can we go to Starbucks to do school?" School?...I forgot that I still have a Kindergartner that will test on the 12th of May for her big "entrance" into 1st grade.

Sight words, numbers, time, Go, Dog Go!

"Sure...get your bag."

By the time we got's so bad, that it is almost comical...I could've laid in the entry way and slept while customers stepped over me. Thank God, and I mean that, for caffeine.

We sat across from each other, in the far left corner "booth" by the windows. It was a little cool and the sun was just beginning to shine on us. The good kind of early summer - it warms you just enough to remind you of a good memory that you can't believe you've forgotten.

We did math & sight words...and took a break. During "break" the most amazing thing happened. The greatest moment took place. I was watching Ellie draw a ladybug.

"Mommy, will you color her with me?"


Then it happened...

Dido came over the speaker. That's right, Dido.

I was soaking it up...I was reminded...of how BIG life is...and how good it is...And how much I love her...and how I could've stayed right there forever.

"...and all I see is you
And even if my house falls down,
I wouldn't have a clue
Because you're near me and

I want to thank you
for giving me the best day of my life
Oh just to be with you
is having the best day of my life."

At the bottom of the picture she wrote , "The Best Day".


Anonymous said...

I have to stop crying and go to
work. I wish I could take your place with the pain. I hope today is another "Best Day."
I love the picture..
I love YOu!!


Craig said...

" early summer - it warms you just enough to remind you of a good memory that you can't believe you've forgotten."

This goes down as one of my favorite sentences ever.

Jen said...

what a sweet day you've had. I hope those days will soon take over again.

Chris Fields said...

Tracey...there's nothing I could say that would express what family means to me, but one thing is for certain...God is my brother's foundation, and you're the rock. You're a blessing and I love you for it. Thank you for being so strong.

Anonymous said...

That is a pretty amazing sentence

Anonymous said...

Wow Tracey, I wish every Mom could read this and just be completely encouraged, renewed.

Angie said...

Not quite sure how I found this blog, but that was the most darling story. Thank you for sharing...

cathead9 said...

Great post, you!

Anonymous said...

Being in the moment is so difficult (understatement) when you're homeschooling (and ill) and tired.
I've been there.
Much love to you.
You're an amazing writer!

Anonymous said...

I am with Pinky. You should write a book. Thanks for sharing. I love stories that put things in perspective for you and make you stop your day and think, "ok, I can do this better." Thanks.

Anonymous said...

That child is so adorable.What Grams could be more proud? I am waiting for more..

Steph said...



*reading again*

*crying again*