I barely remember the last day of 2nd grade...which seems odd to me when I think of how "aware" I feel that Abby is. I very rarely think, "Man, I have hardly any concrete memories of the time that she is in now." or I guess I should say "distinct memories". I had a good childhood...i wish that each year could be remembered like a file folder, separate, distinct and organized. I do however, have very rich, multi-colored memories of 3rd grade. I remember Mrs. Underwood, who I still see from time to time. I have vivid recollections of my best friend, Kim, who still lives here and whose number is programmed in my cell phone. I remember writing notes, playing hand clap games in the hall and the smell of the hall. I remember our school custodian's name. Third grade was the year Capri Sun came out and OP was big. We wore Kanga-Roos (tennis shoes with pockets) and friendship bracelets were right around the bend. This next year will probably be the year that will "define, mark, memorialize" Abby's childhood. This will probably be what she will "look back" on and tell stories about. One day her child will probably say to her, "Tell me a story about you...when you were little."
I want to be deliberate without being controlling.
I want to be pro-active without being mechanical.
I want to teach her thoughtfully, enjoy her and love her passionately, and "paint her past" with great memories to reflect upon.
I'm with you. I have no memories of second grade... I can't even remember my teacher's name. I remember a lot about 3rd: my scary teacher who always wore a severe look on her face. I remember being recruited for my artistic ability to help create a giant condolence card for the family of a bus driver who had died. I remember one day when a bird fell out of it's nest and we all gawked at it while standing in line, waiting to go to the cafeteria.
I have been thinking that my sense of 'aware'-ness hasn't been that great lately. By lately I mean at least the last year or so. I really want to be more 'present'.
Thanks for the post. Tell Abby we are soooo proud of her! I wonder if summer will have a new found appreciation for her?
She is so grown up! How do you do it? I will probably be calling you in tears the day my baby is done with 2nd grade...or diapers for that matter. :) Have a great summer!
Mrs. Ernestine Starling was my second grade teacher. The year was 1974, and she was the only African American teacher in the whole school system. She was great!! I remember the smell of the stuff they used when someone had an "accident" in the hall, bottled cokes from the machine were 20 cents, spelling bees, the distinct smell of the cafeteria and the new jungle gym on the playground. I hope my daughter has the same kind of sweet memories.
You are already all the things you "want to be!" Hope you all have a great summer!
I love Abby's shirt in this picture...I'm sure it's not true. My 2nd grade teacher was Sister Ann Michelle (I went to Catholic school, remember). She got moved after my 2nd grade year. She was a sweet woman who wrote our class letters every year until 8th grade. My 3rd grade teacher was Mrs. Gonzalez--I remember enjoying her class and having a crush on her son. How funny is that? In fourth grade my teacher died on Christmas Eve, and the replacement teacher was nice enough, but different. My fifth grade teacher made us square dance--ugh! I remember other things, but nothing in detail before 4th grade. Just thought I'd put in my memories. :)
third grade has BY FAR been grace's favorite. she loved her teacher, her classmates, reading, learning, math pentathlon... the whole shebang.
i'm sure abby will love it, too. :)
One of the all important lessons I have from third grade is the importance of including a return address on a letter. Mrs. Pastoor (my teacher) had a daughter. One time this daughter of hers mailed a letter and put a smiley face in the area where the return address belongs. That letter was never received by the intended recipient! Life lessons right there.
Plus, I think we learned cursive. Also, when my handwriting was good enough that year, I got the priviledge of switching from pencil to pen. Woo hoo! I still use pens to this day.
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