Friday, August 1, 2008

Only a month to go...

and summer '08 will be a thing of the past. This is the first summer that we have been able to "breath" since having all 4 children. I have been able to take them swimming on a consistent basis by myself, take them on a road trip, spend the night away from our home with them and everyone did great! I think that Zoe will be completely potty trained by September, when she turns 3. Lu can now swim with out floaties and she will be 4 in September. For the most part, they are "self loaders" when we have to go somewhere, and they all know when they are disobeying and when they are obeying.

Today we stayed home. Lu and Ellie and I made cookies and then had a "lemonlade" (as Lucy says) Tea Party. I am lemonade-"water logged". I never want another glass. Now, at 3:45 p.m. Zoe and Lucy are in the shower screaming at each other over 2 cups that are exactly the same. My 6 year old is in recovery from the tea party and my 8 year old is in recovery from spending the night at a friends.

I feel like this is the way things are suppose to be. Like this is the "norm". The chaos, the busyness, the constant multi-tasking, the quick "interactions" between the management of the "house" & the errand running. I have noticed that the older my kids get and the more interactions that we have with other families their age, I find myself asking, "Is this the way other families are?"

The approaching school year will be "new" for me. Abby will be in 3rd grade and Ellie will be in 1st. Both of my big girls will be attending a school rather than being home schooled. Lu will be attending pre-school somewhere and Zoe will be with me. I feel like I will be able to rest more than I have in 9 years. I do plan to take advantage of this.

As for the next 20 days...I want to weave great memories for my girls and our family. I want to rest when they are in school and celebrate when they are at home. I want to be intentional in making myself present for all of the things they love- swimming, getting sno cones, staying up late, painting their rooms and catching fire flies.


some chick said...

trace, I "love" you, but "seriously," with the "quotes." girl, you have "got" to stop. see below:

and you have the coolest hair, "ever." i'm just sayin'.

Unknown said...

"OK"..."I'll stop."

Anonymous said...

Hi Tracey!
I'm glad your summer is going well, and that you're having some fabulous memory-making moments with your girls!
I've been a regular reader of your blog, but at the moment I have to say good bye.... :( The part of China I live in has completely blocked blogs (most parts you can access some blogs, but where I live you cannot). I'll miss getting semi-regular updates of your girls, and I'll really miss your perspective on life. It was refreshing & informative when I was a student at UNT, and it still is.
anyway - Good luck with your girls, they seem great!