I am not on a campagin against racism simply because 2 of my children are black.
I am on a campaign against racism because, as a Christian I believe, we are all created in the image of God.
I do not believe that Adam and Eve were white Americans.
I believe that all that God created is an expression and reflection of Himself to point us back to Him.
I do not believe that "unequally yoked" is in reference to whites & blacks.
I welcome any color in my home- "from all tribes and peoples and languages".
I am on a campaign against racism because 2 of my children are white and they never think about their skin. They never feel left out because of it. They never think that everyone is looking at them or that no one will choose them because of their color.
I am on a campaign to be a logical thinker.
I do not think that a bi-racial child will "have a hard time" -simply because they are bi-racial.
I am not concerned about the color of skin that my son-in-law's will have. I am happy that no one can figure out "what my husband is".
I am white. Two daughters are white. My husband and one daughter are carmel. My baby is brown. I love a man who is a Jew. Some of my deepest friendships are with international transplants...who happen to be dark skinned.
I strive to be patient with people who do not "try" to engage those who are different than themselves. I think that we must pray, engage, work to build true friendships with, and love those who are different from us.
It's frustrating that you're even inspired to write this- only because it just seems like common sense. Thank you for the reminder.
Love the post and the new background.
Love you, Tracey-girl, and love your heart.
Your new blog look is nice. :)
i love this post
Wonderful post. Great new layout as well.
Tracey: I love you and Greg because you are not afraid to go above and beyond for everyone, no matter the color of their skin, where they come from, how they smell or look. You truly live the life God expects all of us to live. Thank you for being examples to all of us. I love those babies of yours!
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