Unfortunately, we were unable to take any pictures in The Majestic Theater. However, a photo truly would not have captured an ounce of the energy that was present. If you have a Black Dance Company in your town, I would definitely recommend buying tickets to Dance Africa.
The girls had been looking forward to this for months and it did not let them down. My mom went with us. There was not a very large crowd, however, the Ugandan Troop that performed was not hindered in the strength of their dance. I told Abby during the first dance to observe how the guys & girls used every part of their body. When they stomped, it was literally the loudest, strongest stomp that I had ever witnessed. I almost wept at one part strictly because of how powerful it was.
After the performance, we decided to stop and eat at The HUGE, new Bass Pro Shop...which we laughed about because the girls looked so cute in their skirts and we were going to eat in the "hunting and fishing zone"...but we had not been there yet. The girls were so excited. Besides the food being great, they have about 10 huge boats and yachts in the store that the kids can just crawl all over and have fun.
The day was great. It was another tally mark in the home school camp. In the state of Texas, homeschooling is considered a private education. The great thing about this classification is that it provides us the opportunity to attend many great performances, during the day, at a student matinee price. This might be something for you to check on in your area. For example, tickets to Dance Africa were $35-$55. When I called the dance company I told them that I was interested in bringing students to a performance and was wondering if they offered a special price. They asked me for the name of my school and I told them that I home schooled. They said that they needed to put a "name" in the computer to reserve the seats -so they used my last name and tagged Academy to it. Our tickets were $5 each and we were had the best seats in the house.
i love your girls. I can't believe how big they are. I remember when abby was a baby and drooled everywhere, and you used to bathe her in the kitchen sink.
now look at 'em. they're all growns up!
That sounds awesome!!!! I love Bass Pro Shop!! It is an invigorating experience.
I was also at the "Dance Africa" performance. It was brilliant.
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