I have just began reading this book. I am really loving it already! One of the stats that I was truly "feeling" about a year ago is from Christian Smith and his research team at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
"Our research suggest that religious congregations are losing out to school and the media for the time and attention of youth. When it comes to the formation of the lives of youth, viewed sociologically, faith communities typically get a very small seat at the end of the table for a very limited period of time. The youth-formation table is dominated structurally by more powerful and vocal actors. Hence most teens know details about television characters and pop stars, but many are quite vague about Moses and Jesus. Most youth are well versed about the dangers of drunk driving, AIDS, and drugs, but many haven't a clue about their own tradition's core ideas. Many parents also clearly prioritize homework and sports over church or youth group attendance."
As a result, "The majority of American teenagers appear to espouse rather inclusive, pluralistic, and individualistic views about religious truth, identity boundaries, and the need for religious congregation."
"According to researchers, between 70-88% of Christian teens are leaving the church by their second year in college." (T.C. Pinkney, Report to the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee, 9-2001; & Report of the Southern Baptist Council on Family Life, 2002)
Greg and I were talking last night and he basically said, "If a house is collapsing- you don't slow everyone down and say, "Let's take our time getting out."
There is a problem with American Christianity and the lives of "Christian" families. Obviously, I am not saying that we abandon our faith...because it is our life...our bloodline. What I am saying, and what I feel like Dr.Baucham is going to lay out in his book is- We have abandoned our faith...We must RETURN. We must indoctrinate our children. We must use our time, the time that He has given them to us, our "going out & our coming in", our eating, our walking, our drinking, our days and our nights- to teach them that He is all of life. In everything- that He is.
All of our "subjects" should find their place in Him. All of eating and drinking should find its place in Him. All of our laughter, our dreaming, our arguing and our resolution should sit securely in Him.
I was reflecting tonight. I dropped Ellie off at dance, ran to Blockbuster and Super One...and then jetted back to dance- all in 40 minutes! I thought of how quickly time flies. In fact, the Bible says that our lives are like a vapor. Woody used to say that "it amazed him how someone could die- and the world would just kept going."
It's so quick. I was thinking about the last 3 years of my life. We adopted two babies, finished a Master's Degree, moved to a new town and a new congregation, had surgery, started a school, withdrew from a school- and started home schooling. I could not believe that it had been almost a year since I began home schooling.
I am so glad that I am here today.
I am happy when I look back over the year.
I do not have a degree in Chemistry, English or Art. I struggle with Science and Fractions. I am not the most disciplined person in the World. But I love my kids more than anyone on the Planet loves them. For some reason, The God of the Universe created me to have them. I am clumsy and unorganized. I cannot skip and I have arthritis. I am horrible at planning experiments and I hate interactive games...but I care more about the souls of my children than Billy Graham could on his best day.
I know that I am fallible and human. I am deeply aware of my sin and misery. I fear that I am not enough...but I love them so stinkin' much that if I am going to fail at something I don't want it to be this- That I did not try with all of my energy, with every hour of my day, to point them continually to the place where True life is found- Christ.
I will never do it perfectly- but I must strive, and work and labor to point them always to Him. To teach them about our heritage and traditions. To show them that our lives are part of the bigger Story.
What a challenge!
What a joy!
Thanks Tracey - I needed to read this today.
Yes, well put. If I loved Vincent anymore I would explode. My life is taking on a whole new dimension with him around.
Amen, Amen and Amen!!!
I stumbled across your blog and I want you to know that I agree 100% with what you are saying! It is time to become passionate and zealous about Jesus Christ...and Him ALONE!
Thanks for the encouragement! :)
Tracey -
Stumbled across your blog through a series of foster/adoption links... and guess what, my hubby and I attended the Tapestry conference and the seminar you and your husband presented.
Thank you for a serious prodding on examining our motives regarding fostering/adoption. Your presentation moved us, cracked us up and stuck with us.
Strangely enough, we are beginning homeschooling in January. Very long story... but what a connection this homeschooling thing becomes between Mommies!
I will grab the book.
Thanks again for the jolt!
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