Ellie will be 8 years old on President's Day. I say that because school is out. Ellie thinks that she is out of school because it is her birthday! When I went into see my OBGYN the week prior to Ellie's birth she tried to schedule my c-section on the 14th. Me, being the girl that I am, insisted that it be the day after. I remember growing up. Just in case she had a sad Valentine's Day- I wanted her to have the next day to look forward to. Not knowing then what I know now -that I would have 4 girls- I am glad that there is always a party to look forward to! :)
Ellie is such a soft place for me to rest. She is an easy, quiet, content little girl. She is happy to sit in a chair with me all day. As long as I am holding her the world can pass way. She loves us so much and that is a satisfaction that I can feel. It is almost tangible. Ellie is such a joy to me. She softens my heart so quickly! What a gift from God she is to our entire family. Thank you Lord for the gift of Ellie!
Ellie was the baby when I met you, just a few months old. Do you remember that? I love you all & miss you!
Ellie is so sweet! I hope she had a wonderful birthday.
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