Below is a list of charachteristics that somewhat "define" children living with RAD. Reactive Attachment Disorder. RAD arises from a failure to form normal attachments to primary caregivers in early childhood. Kids will not display all of these at once, necessarily, and to greater or lesser degrees. Remember to pray for parents who are raising children with Reactive Attachment Disorder. Pray that the Lord will right the wrongs that have been done to these little blessings. And please be patient & gracious with these tired parents by not assuming that these are "disobedience" issues. Remember, "Let us all be slow to speak"...most of the parents who have chosen to adopt have walked into it soberly- with an open-stance toward their child. They ARE reading, praying, educating themselves, becoming students of their children. Adoption is messy. The Christian life is messy. What should our attitude be? "Consider it pure joy brothers when you face trials of many kinds..." Let us "hold unswervingly to the faith that we posses." Kids can grow "through" this. I was thinking yesterday about how far we have come. Our child can control herself through church now...she can stay in bed...she can make eye contact. Press on!
Childhood Symptoms of Reactive Attachment Disorder
*Superficially charming and engaging, particularly around strangers or those who they feel they can manipulate
*Indiscriminate affection, often to strangers; but not affectionate on parent's terms
*Problems making eye contact, except when angry or lying
*A severe need to control everything and everyone, worsens as child gets older
*Hyper vigilant
*Hyperactive, yet lazy in performing tasks
*Argumentative, often over silly or insignificant things
*Frequent tantrums or rage, often over trivial issues
*Demanding or clingy, often at inappropriate times
*Trouble understanding cause and effect
*Poor impulse control
*Lacks morals and values
*Little or no empathy; often have not developed a conscience
*Cruelty to animals
*Lying for no apparent reason
*False allegations of abuse
*Destructive to property or self
*Constant chatter, nonsense questions
*Abnormal speech patterns
*Developmental/learning delays
*Fascination with fire/blood/gore; will usually make the bad choice
*Problems with food; either hoarding or refusing
*Concerned with details but ignoring main issues
*Few or no long term friends; tend to be loners
*Attitude of entitlement or self importance
*Sneaks things without permission even if she/he could have them by asking
*Triangulation of adults; pitting one against the other
*A darkness behind eyes when raging
*Parents appear to be overcontrolling
Your limitless patience inspires and humbles me. I love you, Cuzzin......
Thanks for this post. I will be praying for you guys and others dealing with this. Also, how amazing that she is in a loving, caring family now and will know Jesus as she deals with this. Though there is nothing perfect about it, adoption is so beautiful!
Very familiar with this... our youngest has had quite a bit of therapy for attachment disorder. I am grateful for ECI in that regard. They saw the early signs of it that we could not see.
I'm printing your list out as we will be watching him closely as we move. In fact, I imagine that many children in orphanages exhibit RAD. Can you even fathom that?
Praying for you and yours. May this be a season for your wee one. May she bloom in her family, right where she belongs.
i love her. and i love you guys.
ditto to Kristen
I ditto Lee Ann's ditto.
These characteristics sound all to familier. I see several of them in Kelsi and recognize even more from her mom. I have to break this cycle somehow. These children need so much help. ThanK God for parents like you !!
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