Zoe had to have tubes put in her ears and her adenoids taken out yesterday. This was a first for me. I had heard several of my friends talk about their kiddos having to have this done and how emotional they became when it was time to "have them wheeled away". I guess i never really thought that it was that big of a deal. It was, however, really difficult. I guess just knowing that they were being placed in someone else's hands. We all survived and hopefully we will all sleep better now that Zoe is out of pain and can breath.
By the way, she was the cutest kid there.
While we were there, Lucy Grace was at her school and Abby & Ellie went over to Christy's. Since she homeschools her children, I just sent their books and assignments and they were good to go. Abby's free writing prompt said, "One person can make a difference. The difference can lead to changes in the world! If you could change one thing to make the world a better place what would it be?"
So...Abby writes, "I would make everybody believe in Jesus. It would make the world a better place. It would be better because everybody would go to church. Everybody would be a Christian. There would be peace."
Christy said that Luke looked up and said, "You can't make everyone believe in Jesus...that would be a dictatorship!".
Yes, he is in 2nd grade and he is brilliant.
I am feeling restful. We have become more settled in our home schooling and I feel at this point that it will be long term. The more that I read and the longer that I am with the girls I am feeling like we are "gelling". I feel like we are starting to get in our groove and are starting to enjoy the "process" and the experiences. I do think that I am going to continue school even through the summer. I am going to get a couple more supplements that will "firm up" some of the second grade skills that we are a little shaky on. My plan is to take a week off at the beginning of summer and a week off when we are at the beach, and continue the rest of the time. We had to spend so much time going back over what we had learned last year, at the beginning of this year, that I just don't see the benefit in breaking.
I love that I am running into more and more people, that i feel like we connect with, who are homeschooling. We need these connections. We are so social and it helps to meet people who we all enjoy spending time with.
Zoe is SO cute in those pics and I'll be honest, I'm a bit jealous...I wish I had a pink ipod like that. Glad that all went well w/ the surgery!
I am glad everything went well!! I am also glad that you have found rest. That is a good thing! :-)
Poor little Zoe! I'm glad she's feeling better now....
That Luke is a smart kid. I'd vote for him anyday!
in that last sentence, you really meant to say "people with whom we all enjoy spending time," right? who's teaching your kids language arts?
just messin' with yeah.
and yeah, I noticed the pink ipod as well. a girl's got to have a fashion sense - not that *I* would know anything about that...
I've left you two messages - call me.
oh and do you have any tips for cleaning vomit out of carpet?
I am glad Zoe is doing well! I am new to your blog...I am a first year homeschooler, too! I have my son in 5th and my daughters in 2nd and Kindergarten. We are in the process of adopting two boys (7,6) from Haiti. So, it seems we have a lot in common!!
May the Lord continue to bless you! I am being so challenged right now with the homeschooling. I know I will keep at it but there are days when I doubt myself. Thank God for His mercy!
In Him,
Oh I remember back to our first year of homeschooling...I didn't have the blog world and sometimes felt so alone.
Welcome to the homeschooling family-may God bless you richly on your journey!
mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted
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