I have been thinking about this for a while. The reason that I started this blog was because I had a very difficult time finding anything on the "personal process" of homeschooling. I want to tell you about a couple of things that have really helped ME in teaching...and surviving this first year.

iPod has been my greatest discovery. Greg bought this for me...and little did I know that it would be put to such great use. I down loaded a multiplication cd, all of their poetry memorization, Aesop's Fables, iTunes has numerous kids audio books for free, Abby's Latin Cd, etc. They take turns listening, practicing & reviewing with this at least once a day. This has been a great investment. They think that the iPod is cool. They know that it is a privilege to use my iPod so they look forward to this time.
iTunes - as I referenced above, iTunes is loaded with numerous resources. Free audio books, educational songs, etc. I know that you can purchase most of these fun, learning songs at the teacher's store, however, I can not always get to the teacher's store. This has been a great tool.
The Rod & Staff "Stories About God's People" - I LOVE THIS! There have been several parents tell me that they do not like this reader
because it is
all Bible. The stories are just that...stories. They take the Biblical passage and put it in an age appropriate "reader" form. It has been great for us. The reading workbook has the student interacting with the vocabulary, phonetic pronunciation symbols, inferences...etc., before and after the story. I have noticed that since we have started this curriculum, Abby's ability to stay focused on one subject has increased significantly. She is also learning "the Story" of the Bible. Since I do not want her to view the Bible as only a "subject" that we "do"...I like to "do" reading, using the Bible. We also go to the library and stock up on books, on anything she wants to read, every two weeks at least. We, of coarse, read to Ellie...and Abby, too.
Story of The World- This history curriculum is my all time favorite! This combines reading, story-telling, map work, narration, coloring pages & projects. In all honesty, if we do history, I
feel like I have accomplished
enough. This truly facilitates discussion and subject integration.
'Hope these are helpful. If you have a good resource or link - post it as a comment.
"Abby's ability to stay focused on one subject has increased significantly. She is also learning "the Story" of the Bible."
May God bless your attempts. Make the children get wiser and wiser. May they become good instrument of His glory in the days to come. Keep up the good work. It is not in vain as some might understand it.
Thanks for visiting my blog! You are more than welcome to link my blog! :)
What a great idea to use the ipod! I'll have to think about using that too. Thanks!
I didn't know itunes had free stories, that's awesome. Thanks for this post
I, too, love Story of the World. We have been using it for 'afterschooling' for almost a year now prior to diving in full-time.
And the ipod is now on my Christmas list... what a great idea. My kiddos can't wait for those special times with Mommmy's ipod!
Another thing we enjoy are the Geography Songs by Audio Memory. I find myself singing these silly ditties at random times.
Here's to homeschooling!
Hi Tracey -
Sorry for the delay in answering your question about Biblioplan from my blog... Here is a link to learn all about it - www.bibliplan.net. I do not purchase or even try to use all of the resources... we have a basic History encyclopedia and then I've checked out a few other books from the library.
Also, Book Mooch is a great resource for cheap books. www.bookmooch.com It allows you to post books you want to give away and then 'mooch' books from others. (you may already know about that one!)
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